Come take a

with me.

deep dive

 Literally. My name is Nur Azimah and that’s Arabic for Mighty Light.

I am Mighty Light.

I love you, and I can’t wait to see what

 you’ll create when we work together.

I am a multidimensional embodiment coach, specializing in guiding people home to their bodies and befriending their emotions, supporting them through various life challenges in the areas of relationships, intimacy, sexuality, physical autonomy, and beyond.

I am a Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu and lead the Women's Jiujitsu program at Victory MMA alongside martial arts giants like Jocko Willink, Dean Lister, and Eric Uresk. I love to gently but firmly guide people in reclaiming their personal power, sovereignty, and integrity, to break through any disempowering stories from the past, because I believe that each of us are CREATORS of our realities.

I blend over 10 years of experience as a personal trainer and movement coach, as well as active pro-bono service in addiction recovery spaces, and emotional intelligence training, into my coaching practice. I like to see this work of self reclamation as a little death-rebirth initiation that us human beings go through more than once, navigating changes and transitions in our lives, and I am the midwife that supports this process. I provide tools, practices, and insights, but ultimately I will be your mirror reflecting the beauty and power I see in you.

1:1 program

Build an intimate relationship with your body through a mindful movement practice that supports you in your recovery from injuries, traumatic emotional experiences, or to simply connect with your body on a deeper level, expanding physical autonomy. Dive IN to experience a new sense of freedom and trust within your body, like you never knew was possible.

Together we will:
- Create a week-by week approach to expand your movement vocabulary and physical autonomy (the things you can do freely)
- Identify the stories that come up, which may be the barrier to why you don't currently have what you want in your body
- Learn to integrate lessons in movement exploration into your day to day life

I am here to guide your journey.


1:1 program

12 week intensive

This container is for you if you are seeking:
- Freedom from disempowering stories that get in the way of what you want
- How to communicate personal boundaries effectively without feeling bad or worrying about what others think
- A path to reclaiming joy, excitement, and passion that you may have "lost" as a result of traumatic experiences
- A journey Home into yourself so you can live authentically, unapologetically, as YOU, without guilt of disappointing others

Learn to identify and process emotions that routinely keep you stuck. Create balance between your Masculine "GO" and Feminine "FLOW". Learn and apply tools to turn UP the volume on your intuition or inner Truth. Cultivate safety within your body to increase capacity to process difficult emotions that come up in stressful situations. Navigate emotional undercurrents while still participating fully in life. Discover healing and empowering gifts of softness in self-regulation and emotional autonomy.

I am here to guide your journey.


Join DESCEND, a 4-part online series for women, where we delve into the deeper layers of your feminine body through understanding her bodily wisdom, and nurturing practices. Discover tools for self-intimacy and inner growth, in a safe space for emotional support and nourishment. You'll leave with practical frameworks, newfound confidence, and a deeper connection to yourself and others.

4-part Workshop Series

4-part series


Single session - $44

bundle and save - $150

$44 for a single session or $150 for the whole bundle 

      After taking Body Awareness for Jiujitsu, students will develop a deeper relationship with their body and how to move through all positions in jiujitsu, in order to play confidently, learn, and improve at a faster rate.

Meghann Birks

date: 05/23


Erin Finley

Elizabeth Cameron

Tiffany Duong

date: 08/22

date: 08/22

date: 08/22








"Let's talk expectation vs. reality. When I committed to work with Azimah for a 10 week Movement Medicine course, my expectation was that I would get the accountability I needed to get my movement practice back where I thought it needed to be: consistent and disciplined.

 Reality? Well, the reality was that Azimah completely put my thing down flipped it and reversed it. Talk about workin' it. We went deeper than I had dreamed possible. She held me so thoroughly through the practice that parts of myself long buried came out to play.

If you are looking for someone who can meet you where you are with compassion and remind you of your strength, she's the one. I laughed, I cried, and I expanded my spiritual, physical and emotional range. Thank you Z. You're a fucking star."

Meghann Birks

"If you are looking for someone who can meet you where you are with compassion and remind you of your strength, she's the one."

Let's work together!


It has been an incredible honor to receive 1:1 coaching from Azimah these past six months. Azimah is a Goddess on earth -- wise, compassionate, loving, beautiful, and incredibly strong -- and she is teaching me to embody all of these qualities and more. Azimah serves others by drawing on the deep wisdom she has earned through her personal Heroine’s Journey, and her openness and vulnerability in sharing the story of her continued transformation is incredibly potent and healing. Azimah has helped me understand that the period of tumult and crisis I am experiencing is actually my initiation into a greater version of myself, as I transform from maiden to Great Mother, as I learn to live as my Goddess within. Azimah has guided me along this journey with the most beautiful and unconditional love and support. During my darkest times, Azimah has held me in her pure and loving energy, and together we have witnessed my pain, shame, guilt, and shadows. This witnessing has been an incredible gift and critical to my growth and transformation. It is part of a powerful, but largely lost, tradition of women witnessing each other; a tradition that Azimah is reviving.

Through her great love, Azimah has helped me practice meeting myself with my own love and acceptance. She has helped me practice living as the sovereign of my world and the creatrix of my universe, recognizing that in each moment, it is my privilege and opportunity to BE, to EXPERIENCE, and to CHOOSE what I get to create. Azimah has helped me shift the states of some of my closest relationships (including the relationship with myself) from places of stagnancy and wound into experiences characterized by honesty, openness, growth, acceptance, expansive possibility, and healing. In my relationships with others, Azimah has helped me create opportunities for both persons to step into greater versions of ourselves. Being guided by Azimah through this work on my relationships has been incredibly valuable, because what we have practiced together is literally the process of creation -- a skill that can be applied to great benefit in every aspect of this life, and one that is critical for me to master on my journey. Through Azimah’s movement medicine, I have found the ability to embody a personal sanctuary for myself -- to hold a sacred container where I can meet myself with presence and curiosity, where I can rest and find refuge, and where I can always connect deeply with myself, no matter what chaos is going on in my world. As someone who struggles with anxiety and has difficulty staying present in daily life, the fact that I now have a practice that is so supportive of this is huge. What’s more, it is a practice that is also eminently accessible and always meets me where I’m at.

Working with Azimah and moving with her is also just plain FUN! And joyful! Playful! Passionate! Sensual! I have found all of these ways of being, which Azimah embodies and holds a safe space for me to try on and develop within myself, to be tools that work pure magic in my life. Azimah has truly been a beautiful, and most mighty light in my life. I am deeply grateful for all the ways she has helped me. I am amazed that our paths have crossed and I hope our journeys will remain long intertwined.

Erin Finley

A Mighty Light


I had actually been experiencing a flare up in my back last week & was pretty nervous about the movement portion of the workshop. Instead of my pain (what I'm now calling "sensation" thanks to you!) increasing or being bothersome during the movements, it actually DISAPPEARED. Not only did it disappear during the workshop, but also that night, and the next day too!

It's funny how that thing we are avoiding comes to be the thing we need so much. For so long, I've been avoiding spinal articulations, flowing, trusting my body, & just enjoying movement due to my pain.

Thank you for your guidance & courage, and for holding space for my healing & freedom.

"I am so grateful for your knowledge & lived experience that allowed space for my healing through your guidance."

Let's work together!

Elizabeth Cameron


Where do I begin? Coming across Azimah’s work opened a portal for me to step into a more deeply aligned and pleasure-oriented life. Her ability to create a safe and nurturing space allowed me to reveal dark and vulnerable shares that were laying just beneath the surface. Her coaching style embraces and lovingly guides you to the answers inside you.

I did not fully understand her work in the beginning, but with each session, I experienced how she was able to empower a remembering of my physical, emotional, and spiritual autonomy. I constantly feel like life moves so fast, but through learning to slow down, I was able to deepen the trust in my body to move, express, and be heard. The magnitude of each breakthrough compounds on each other. Having the compassionate accountability to work through them with Azimah’s coaching shifted my mindset to feel deeper into my pain, transforming it into appreciation and even pleasure.

If you’re thinking about working with her, just do it. But be warned that it’s not all love and light. You’ll be asked to step up and confront sticky feelings and movements, but it will ultimately create so much more space in your mind and body. She’s embodied in her work and will help you flow deeper into your masculine and feminine nature. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, compassion, and expertise. Forever grateful for the impact she has made on my journey of self-discovery.

Through her great love, Azimah has helped me practice meeting myself with my own love and acceptance. She has helped me practice living as the sovereign of my world and the creatrix of my universe, recognizing that in each moment, it is my privilege and opportunity to BE, to EXPERIENCE, and to CHOOSE what I get to create. Azimah has helped me shift the states of some of my closest relationships (including the relationship with myself) from places of stagnancy and wound into experiences characterized by honesty, openness, growth, acceptance, expansive possibility, and healing. In my relationships with others, Azimah has helped me create opportunities for both persons to step into greater versions of ourselves. Being guided by Azimah through this work on my relationships has been incredibly valuable, because what we have practiced together is literally the process of creation -- a skill that can be applied to great benefit in every aspect of this life, and one that is critical for me to master on my journey. Through Azimah’s movement medicine, I have found the ability to embody a personal sanctuary for myself -- to hold a sacred container where I can meet myself with presence and curiosity, where I can rest and find refuge, and where I can always connect deeply with myself, no matter what chaos is going on in my world. As someone who struggles with anxiety and has difficulty staying present in daily life, the fact that I now have a practice that is so supportive of this is huge. What’s more, it is a practice that is also eminently accessible and always meets me where I’m at.

Working with Azimah and moving with her is also just plain FUN! And joyful! Playful! Passionate! Sensual! I have found all of these ways of being, which Azimah embodies and holds a safe space for me to try on and develop within myself, to be tools that work pure magic in my life. Azimah has truly been a beautiful, and most mighty light in my life. I am deeply grateful for all the ways she has helped me. I am amazed that our paths have crossed and I hope our journeys will remain long intertwined.

Tiffany Duong